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Non-GUI Classes

The non-GUI classes are general-purpose collection and string classes that may be used independently of the GUI classes.

In particular, these classes do not depend on QApplication at all, and so can be used in non-GUI programs.

See also the introduction to the Qt collection classes.

QAsciiCacheTemplate class that provides a cache based on char* keys
QAsciiCacheIteratorIterator for QAsciiCache collections
QAsciiDictTemplate class that provides a dictionary based on char* keys
QAsciiDictIteratorIterator for QAsciiDict collections
QBitArrayArray of bits
QByteArrayArray of bytes
QCacheTemplate class that provides a cache based on QString keys
QCacheIteratorIterator for QCache collections
QCStringAbstraction of the classic C zero-terminated char array (char *)
QDictTemplate class that provides a dictionary based on QString keys
QDictIteratorIterator for QDict collections
QIntCacheTemplate class that provides a cache based on long keys
QIntCacheIteratorIterator for QIntCache collections
QIntDictTemplate class that provides a dictionary based on long keys
QIntDictIteratorIterator for QIntDict collections
QMapValue-based template class that provides a dictionary
QMapConstIteratorIterator for QMap
QMapIteratorIterator for QMap
QMemArrayTemplate class that provides arrays of simple types
QPairValue-based template class that provides a pair of elements
QPtrCollectionThe base class of most pointer-based Qt collections
QPtrDictTemplate class that provides a dictionary based on void* keys
QPtrDictIteratorIterator for QPtrDict collections
QPtrListTemplate class that provides doubly-linked lists
QPtrListIteratorIterator for QPtrList collections
QPtrQueueTemplate class that provides a queue
QPtrStackTemplate class that provides a stack
QPtrVectorTemplate collection class that provides a vector (array)
QRegExpPattern matching using regular expressions
QStrIListDoubly-linked list of char* with case-insensitive comparison
QStringAbstraction of Unicode text and the classic C null-terminated char array
QStringListList of strings
QStrListDoubly-linked list of char*
QStrListIteratorIterator for the QStrList and QStrIList classes
QValueListValue-based template class that provides doubly linked lists
QValueListConstIteratorConst iterator for QValueList
QValueListIteratorIterator for QValueList
QValueStackValue-based template class that provides a stack
QValueVectorValue-based template class that provides a dynamic array

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Qt version 3.0.3